exceptionally valuable, advantageous, or fine: a golden opportunity.
having glowing vitality; radiant: golden youth.
"h o w c r u e l i s t h e g o l d e n r u l e ?"
The word "gold" has so many different meanings. The famous line from The Outsiders, for example. The famous line of Tolkien's for another. Towns all across the US, including a ghost town in the middle of Utah.
And finally, one of my favorite songs in the entire world, Golden by Fall Out Boy.
The opening lyrics of the song are, "How cruel is the golden rule? When the lives we lived are only golden-plated."
The entire song is about this very frustrated human being, and the fact that "do unto others" doesn't always work in his favor.
In fact, it rarely does.
It bothers him all throughout the song- as he feels that doing unto others so that they will do back to him in the same manner feels fake.
It feels fake to him that we walk through life being nice and kind when we don't always feel that way. That we smile and wave even when we don't enjoy the person we are smiling and waving to.
And it feels wrong. He feels like he's manipulating everyone in his path to treat him as he wants. instead of maybe how he deserves to be treated.
He goes on to talk about how they all walk through the city with karats for everyone to see. So now, not only are they manipulating The Golden Rule, they are carrying their prizes around with them- so everyone will know how fantastic they are and the good things that they have done.
This is arguably my favorite song on the album (tying for first with You're Crashing, But You're No Wave). It's so deep, and slow (which is weird for FOB) and so I've attached the actual song plus my cover version of it below.
There are many different ways to take this song, and the above was simply my take on it, and I'd love to hear yours as well :)