After reading quite a few books over the past couple of months, I have developed a strong opinion on a few things.
Books in Series (specifically 3 or more):
Hate. I am not a fan of most books with sequels or many books after them. After the first book I don't want to be tied down to having to read the next book in the series. And sometimes you don't care anymore or are sick of the characters. But, if you're like me you feel compelled to at least read the others. Most of the time the 2nd or 3rd books are nowhere near as good as the opener to the series. Sometimes in very rare cases, they are needed, and they are good. But for me, a lot of times a well written epilogue can accomplish what another book could. This brings me to my next point:
I am a strong believer in epilogues. Strong, strong believer in them. I think you shouldn't leave your reader hanging, even if you think you've wrapped the story up well. Trust me, your readers will most likely have a very different opinion about that.
Just wrap up the story and provide a little bit more about the main characters lives after the book ends. No need for a sequel, don't get crazy, just a few pages totally wrapping it up.
You'd think since I love epilogues so much that I wouldn't be opposed to prologues, but I am actually. I think the best fiction writers don't need prologues (non fiction is different, I realize sometimes you really do need prologues for those). They can incorporate whatever was in the prologue into the book itself. Don't give things away before you even start Chapter 1. That's no fun.
Books that are broken down in Parts, Chapters, both, or neither?:
I like when books are broken down into two or three parts, but I also like chapters a lot. Preferably, chapters and parts together. So yes, both is best in my opinion. I think you can do a lot with it, there can be more cliffhangers and things with parts.
I love chapters as long as they are longish chapters. I hate chapters that are only one page.
That being said, I also can't stand books with no chapters at all. Out of everything, that would be one of my greatest reading pet peeves. It's just so hard to read. And then you have to mark your stopping place by page instead of chapter and that's just annoying. Plus, then there's no good place to stop to go to bed, and that is really frustrating.
Well... that's it... look for some book reviews soon! Plus, I'm planning on having some new chapters up soon!
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