Saturday, September 1, 2012

Book Review: Pandemonium

Pandemonium is the second installment in Lauren Oliver's Delirium trilogy.

The Summary:
Lena has finally made it to the Wilds, only Alex is not there with her. Believing him dead, she sets off to help the Wilds, and finds herself right in the middle of a resistance war with an unlikely person by her side the whole time.

Kissing, 2 people share a bed at one point.

Uhm... everything. The s word is used a lot.

People are chained up for days and held captive. A boy is beaten across the face. People are hurt and killed.

Suggested Age:

My Opinion:
GUYS. UGH. What... what... happened?!
One thing is perfect about the book: The title. It's go-go-go from the get-go, there's blood and running... and wait for it... the plot is so freaking hard to follow.
Plus... Lena just made me want to shake her!
Also, I think it was much like the first book... told from Alex's POV. At least, that's the way it turned out.
And that ain't cool.
It also isn't cool that the last book doesn't come out until February.
(Side note: I'm pretty sure Oliver wins the award for the most use of the word nausea. I wanted to hurl just reading about it.)

Also: Let's discuss the fact that, while the cover of Delirium was incredibly unique... Pandemonium and Requiem look almost identical...
Same earth tones used in the picture, same look on the girl's face... I don't know, but it's bugging me.

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