Wednesday, August 1, 2012

31 Day Blog Challenge

I'm doing a 30 day blog challenge for the month of August. It's not a specific one, more like a bunch of questions from different blog challenges.
So, I picked 31 questions (I had to tweak it and add an extra question) and threw them all in a jar. Each day I'll pick one out at random and answer it.
Today the question is.... *drum roll*
What are 5 of your strengths?:
Why is this the first question? Out of all the normal ones... I get this extremely deep question. Grr.
Okay... so strengths as in things I'm good at literally or emotionally... or what? I'm going to have to use my imagination here...
Anyway. Writing is one of them. It flows out of me naturally, and it's something I must be doing. No matter where I am I can write. And I know I'm not awful... cause my parents are pretty honest and they don't think the stuff I write is awful.
I've been through enough pain in my life to know sometimes, you just need someone to listen to you talk. I'm pretty good at listening patiently and then giving advice.
Making people laugh:
I really like making people laugh, and since I grew up in an extremely funny family, I'm pretty good at it. I'm also extremely sarcastic... which can either make people laugh or make them want to kill me. I've had my fair share of both.
Being perceptive:
Most of the time I have a good sense about people before we even talk. I can sense whether or not we'll be friends, or if I'm going to want to claw their eyeballs out of their head.
Now I'm stuck.
That's only four... hmm...
Okay, I can't think of another one.
I'll post another question tomorrow! :)

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