Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 In All It's Greatness

It's New Years Eve... huh.
I don't exactly know where my year went. At times it seemed like time was going sooooo slow. And at other times, I couldn't slow it down. This year was crazy, and fun. It was also sad, and trying at times.
Who wants to see my year in rewind?
Probably no one, but too bad. You're on my blog. Haha :)

Okay, so the year started off... with me getting a new camera. Yup. So, first things first:
Me on Christmas Day last year:

Me on Christmas Day this year:
Yeah, I grew up a little bit.

So, this year in rewind:
*January 2012- Rang in the New Year at the Levine's house.

*February 2012- Dyed my hair for the first (and not the last by any means) time. I fell in love.

*March 2012- Adopted Zac. We adopted the little foster baby we had since he was 7 days old, officially making him my brother. Woo-hoo!

(At the courthouse)
*April 2012- I went to the Casting Crowns concert at First Baptist Church of Woodstock. I included this in this post, because I had so much fun that night. It was one of my favorite nights of the whole year, I would even venture to say.

*May 2012- We booked it to Florida, going on vacation to Disney for the first time ever. At least for me. My parents had been before I was born (so selfish!). This was one of my best memories of this year. And yes, there are so many better pictures than this one... but I felt like this cpatured the vacation. Crazy, but yet fun. Confusing, but together.

*June 2012- We went on our second "vacation" to AnnaMaria Island, where my dad performed a wedding, and I videoed it. And almost passed out from heatstroke, but that's another story. And coincidentally, almost passing out was not one of my best memories of this year.

*June 2012- I turned 14. We celebrated at a hotel with three of my greatest friends. There was quite a bit of coke and food, and no sleep involved as well.

*July 2012- Played Messy Twister with my best friend in my yard. Got some freaking amazing pictures. Crossed something off my bucket list. Had fun getting paint all over ourselves. And, ya know, the yard too.

*August 2012- Went to my first ever (that I can remember anyways) Braves game with my daddy. We had a ton of fun, and even though I'm not a baseball girl (Football all the way, baby!) I actually sort of understood what was going on. It's a miracle!

*September 2012- I said a temporary goodbye to some of the best friends God has blessed me with, at the CFT Yearbook Party.
*October 2012- My mom and I trekked across a deserted field and walked across a busy street to photograph Zac for the first time since his adoption.
The cutie.

*November 2012- We took a wall down in our house that's been there since we've lived here. Bittersweet.

*November 2012- We celebrated Thanksgiving at my grandparents with football, food, family, food, naps, and more food.

*December 2012- I developed an eccentric taste in music. All I asked for for Christmas was Itunes gift cards. And that, that is what I got. (Not all of them pictured here)

Oh, yeah. Somewhere in there I finished writing two books, and started 11 others.
And this happened: And yeah, that number's still climbing.

Holy snap.
Crazy year, huh?
I thought so. :)

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