Sunday, July 1, 2012

Book Review: The Giver

The Giver is written by Lois Lowry (author of Gathering Blue and Number the Stars)

Jonas lives in a perfect world, on the outside. He lives in a perfect family unit, (2 parents, 1 girl child 1 boy child), takes his medicine and does everything the Elders tell him to do.
Every year, every child goes through a ceremony. There’s the ceremony of 1, the ceremony of 2 and so on until you reach 12. Every ceremony you get something new, like a bike. When you get to the twelfth ceremony, you get your assignment. Your assignment can be anything from helping the elderly to fish hatchery.
When Jonas receives his assignment however, his is different from everyone else’s. In fact there have only been a few with the same job as his. His assignment is to be the next Giver.
The Giver holds memories. Memories of pain, memories of happiness, and oddest of all, colors. No one else in the community has them. Someone has to have them, but they don’t want everyone to have them for fear of a revolt or something. So, the Giver holds them in his mind. But the Giver is getting old, and it’s time for a new one to learn the ways and become the next Giver.
That will be Jonas.

A baby is killed, but it is done by a needle and medicine to it’s head. Nothing bloody or gory. Jonas sees nasty blood filled fights happen before his eyes.
There are things called “The Stirrings” and everyone in the world takes medicine to make them go away. Jonas quits taking the pills for a while, when he becomes the Giver. Nothing happens though really.
Suggested Age?:
10 or 11+
My opinion?:
The book is kind of strange, but Lois Lowry is known for making her books weird (kind of like Madeline L'engle. A Wrinkle in Time has the same creepy factor. I think Lois Lowry and Madeline L'engle were seperated at birth.).  It is very interesting though, and it makes you think. This is a really great dystopian book for younger readers, I read it when I was 9.The book does leave off with an immense cliffhanger, but I have heard that there is a sequel. I can’t confirm that, however because all I’ve heard is rumors. The book has some interesting concepts, and it’s probably good to read it once. It’s not long at all, and it’s pretty simple. 

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