Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Book Review: The 39 Clues- One False Note

This is the second book in the 39 Clues series, picking up exactly where the first (The Maze of Bones) left off.
Each of the books in the series are written by different authors, this one written by Gordon Korman.

Dan, Amy, and their au pair, Nellie, find themselves traveling all over the world in the search for the 39 clues. This book starts off with them having found a piece of music written by Mozart give to Ben Franklin. That piece of music guides them across many countries in search of the next clue.

God's name is taken in vain once (I believe, I could be wrong. I know they say, "Thank God!" but I don't remember if they say anything else.)


There's less violence in this one then there was in the first. A girl holds a dart gun to another girl's neck, but says it will only knock her out. A boy almost strangles another boy.

Age Suggestion:

My Opinion:
It bugged me that there are different authors for each book. I mean, what if one author wants to make Dan sappy all of a sudden, and Amy gutsy? Who gets the final say-so? But I digress.
This was a better read for me than the first book, because whereas the first book's theme was Ben Franklin, this one was Mozart. And I know way more about Mozart than I do about Ben Franklin, so it was easier to follow along with the clues and the places they visited.
I'm also loving Nellie. I know no one in their right mind would ever act like she does, taking kids halfway around the world in a deadly race for some pieces of paper, but I really like her.
I also like that they took the cat... it makes for some interesting pieces of the book.
All this to say, it was pretty awesome :)

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