Sunday, July 22, 2012

Book Review: Specials

The third installment in the  Uglies series, directly following Pretties.

The Summary:
Tally has been taken, along with her boyfriend Zane, after an ill- fated escape attempt back to her city.
She is then forced to become a Special. The Specials keep the city under control, and the job of the Specials that Tally is a part of is to track down the New Smoke.
Tally wants to find the New Smoke, and take it down. The are beneath her, because she is Special, and they are not. (Brain lesions much?)
When she sends a bunch of non- Specials to track down the New Smoke, and she follows them, But the wild changes her like it has before, and she finds herself questioning everything. Maybe being Special isn't all it's cracked up to be.

One "hell".

One kiss.

People crashing into objects, grenades being thrown, people jumping off high buildings, one sad and slow death, and people cutting themselves.

Age Suggestion:

My Opinion:
This series started SO well. And then things took a nose dive. I was left absolutely speechless at the end of this book. So much action, and then things just stopped. I think he needed another book. The ending of the trilogy was painfully abrupt. It was bad.
Not to mention the confusing aspects of the love triangle. Without giving anything away, the only thing I can say is, I was about to throw the book into the wall. Seriously.
Also, it got soo repetitive. She escapes, turns herself back in. Escapes, gets dragged back. Escapes, turns herself in. Escapes.
Please, a little versatility would have been lovely.
You can't use every version of an escape you want to. People get really really really bored. I had to force myself to finish the book. Which was really disappointing given how much I adored the first one.
It wasn't done justice. At all, in my opinion. But, I am glad I read them. The first one, at least.

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