Monday, July 16, 2012

Rabid Bunnies and Other Nightmares

Hey guys, sorry it's been so long.
My computer decided to spaz on me and not let me sign in on Blogger, (yes, it was utterly frustrating.)
And then, my brain decided to focus all it's energy and creativeness into this trilogy I'm writing. That coupled with the nightmares, makes for no blogging for the bird.
What about these nightmares, you say?
Well, about 6 months back I had nightmares every night for about two weeks. It was awful. But then, all of a sudden they stopped. So, I quit thinking about them.
They came back. They were not invited. They barged right in. Not very nice guests are they?
I've had them for about two weeks every night now (yes, I did look this up on google. FYI, that's a bad idea. Every answer to "Is having nightmares every night for weeks normal?" will turn up the answer "No, you need to seek professional help." Helpful.)
I've had everything from being chased by Nazi's, trapped in a house I could not get out of, being driven out of the country, shot at, and everything in between.
The other night I was being held at gunpoint in my dream, when all of a sudden everything rocked and tipped, the gun went off and I woke up. My rib cage felt like I really had been shot, and I was wide awake.
Turns out it was my brother who got up to turn the fan at 4 in the morning and flung himself back into bed, waking me up since I sleep right underneath him.
I don't know why I'm sharing all this other than to apologize for taking a week off from blogging.

However!!! I finished the first book in my trilogy!! So, I was somewhat productive this week. 
When I wasn't running from rabid bunnies and forced to piece together impossible puzzles in my mind, that is.

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